Friday 13 October 2017

Sweet! Nigerian lawyer wakes his wife up with breakfast in bed (Photos)

An Abuja-based lawyer, First Baba Isah prepared noodles with tea, woke up his wife Juliet, and served her breakfast in bed before heading to work this morning.

Sharing photos of the happy wife on Facebook, he wrote;
“Before rushing out for a meeting at EFCC this morning… I sneaked into the kitchen, made our breakfast and brought it to Firstlady on bed… I woke her up to breakfast on bed.
Loving this woman is part of the FBI Brand.
I don’t want to be known as that lawyer who gave everything to defend his clients while sacrificing the happiness of his wife. As I head to EFCC to defend a client, I’m glad I left a happy wife behind. I’m sure as she goes about her own work today, she will wear that smile she flashed me this morning.
That smile is my biggest reward, my exceeding miracle. Without that smile no amount of legal fees can make me happy.
When I’m done here and stand before God on judgement day and I’m asked what I did with my life, I want to be able to say I spent it as a good lawyer defending people and fighting for their rights… But before I say that, I want to say: “I spent it loving Juliet.”
Dear Juliet, I love you. May your smile bring my client favour in EFCC today and may that favour bring us fortune…”

Talk about ‘The little things matter’!

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